
How can you master the turning point in shipbuilding?
With us, quite easily. 

The ship­building industry is exposed to strong compe­ti­tion. This entails a multi­tude of chal­lenges. One answer to this is light­weight design. Making weight savings has a major impact on fuel consump­tion, as it reduces trav­el­ling resis­tance. This increases the economic effi­ciency of your fleet. More­over, this saving of resources also reduces the CO2 foot­print of each ship. This will make your customers happy. With us, you can realise the themes of light­weight design and reduc­tion of trav­el­ling resis­tance in the best possible way, because we have devel­oped inno­v­a­tive solu­tions for your chal­lenges.

Our solu­tion compe­ten­cies

Our formula for success in inspiring solu­tions is an expe­ri­enced team that develops and opti­mises compo­nents with passion and curiosity, using the latest design and simu­la­tion tools and methods.

Solu­tion 1:
We will make your ships more effi­cient – with ease.

Inte­grating light­weight design or compos­ites in boat and ship­building creates new possi­bil­i­ties and approaches to solu­tions. We have a very good under­standing of how compo­nents or even entire assem­blies can be made lighter with the help of compos­ites. Our exten­sive exper­tise in light­weight design helps us in this. We can offer inno­v­a­tive solu­tions for ship­building in partic­ular, as we are involved in several research projects. In one of them, new tech­nolo­gies are being devel­oped to safely join fibre compos­ites with steel using new joining tech­nolo­gies. This creates new possi­bil­i­ties for weight savings. In the other research project, we are creating ways to reduce the resis­tance of hulls and thus save resources by devel­oping new hydro­foiling concepts.

This approach can make an impor­tant contri­bu­tion to making your ships more effi­cient and thus increasing their compet­i­tive­ness.

Solu­tion 2:
Save costs and time with us thanks to light­weight design.

Classic ship­building concepts reach their limits in many areas when it comes to saving on addi­tional costs, resources or time during produc­tion and oper­a­tion of the vessel. This is where inno­v­a­tive solu­tions, such as those we imple­ment in ship and boat building, can provide a remedy. We opti­mise indi­vidual compo­nents but also entire assem­blies through the use of inno­v­a­tive light­weight design concepts. As already mentioned, we are involved in research projects that enable the safe, adhe­sive- and screw-free joining of fibre compos­ites with steel compo­nents. This means that we can also enable and simplify the inte­gra­tion of composite compo­nents into existing steel assem­blies.

Our novel approaches make it possible for you to use state-of-the-art mate­rial concepts that you can easily inte­grate into your existing produc­tion flow. This saves your time, money and valu­able resources.

Solu­tion 3:
We simplify certi­fi­ca­tion of your ships.

In addi­tion to our many years of exper­tise in light­weight design and inno­v­a­tive compo­nent opti­mi­sa­tion, our in-depth knowl­edge of the boat and ship­building industry as well as our exten­sive expe­ri­ence with various clas­si­fi­ca­tion soci­eties are impor­tant success factors for the rapid certi­fi­ca­tion of your ship­building compo­nents. This makes it possible for us to provide you with holistic and targeted support in the devel­op­ment and imple­men­ta­tion of compo­nents.

Thanks to our 13 years of exper­tise, we can opti­mally manage your project and initiate the deci­sive steps in good time so that certi­fi­ca­tion is also realised within the desired time frame. This also includes docu­men­ta­tion in accor­dance with the require­ments and early tech­nical commu­ni­ca­tion with the classes.

  • Light­weight engi­neering in the maritime sector

    Lami­nate opti­mi­sa­tion for Fassmer’s hybrid boat

    In recent decades, the maritime industry has seen a rapid increase in the use of composite mate­rials due to their obvious advan­tages over metallic mate­rials. One impor­tant project was Fassmer’s PLL1600, a hybrid boat that can be used either as a tender or as a lifeboat. We were given the oppor­tu­nity to develop this water­craft in collab­o­ra­tion with Fassmer, a well-known ship­yard. One of our tasks was to opti­mise the lami­nate in order to best meet the boundary condi­tions spec­i­fied by the customer - while reducing the amount of mate­rial used.

    The following compe­tences at ar engi­neers led to success:

    • Exper­tise in struc­tural calcu­la­tions for a large number of load cases.
    • Devel­op­ment of opti­mi­sa­tion boundary condi­tions to enable produc­­tion-oriented results
    • Numer­ical opti­mi­sa­tion of the lami­nate based on simu­la­tion results from a wide range of load cases using analyt­ical methods and the Finite Element Method.
    • Gener­a­tion of lami­nate layups that meet all struc­tural and manu­fac­turing require­ments and also save resources.

    We, at ar engi­neers, were able to demon­strate our skills in the area of para­meter studies and lami­nate opti­mi­sa­tion of complex composite compo­nents in this project, which we will also use for many other indus­tries.

  • Light­weight engi­neering in the maritime sector

    Research project on the reduc­tion of hull resis­tance of vessels by means of hydro­foiling

    The aim of the research project E2MUT is to advance the devel­op­ment and market intro­duc­tion of emis­­sion-free urban mobility solu­tions on water. As a system, the project is divided into three fields of compe­tence: Mobility and Infra­struc­ture, Propul­sion Systems, and Energy Provi­sion and Elec­tric Vessels. The aim of ar engi­neers’ research in the context of this global project is the use of adap­tive or instru­men­talised CFRP foils to reduce the hull resis­tance of elec­tric vessels.

    The following compe­tences at ar engi­neers will be used and further devel­oped in the research project:

    • Concep­tual design and devel­op­ment of foil systems for hydro­foil vessels
    • CAD design of high-perfor­­mance light­weight struc­tures
    • Design, calcu­la­tion and opti­mi­sa­tion of highly stressed composite struc­tures using Ansys soft­ware
    • Devel­op­ment of an algo­rithm for the calcu­la­tion of hydro­dy­namic loads on hydro­foils using the Python program­ming language.

    At ar engi­neers, we are well placed to make a signif­i­cant contri­bu­tion to the success of this research project as we not only have many years of exper­tise in light­weight design, but we are also very expe­ri­enced in the use and further devel­op­ment of high-end soft­ware tools and methods.

  • Light­weight engi­neering in the maritime sector

    HyFiVE - researching new joining tech­nolo­gies for maritime light­weight design

    This R&D project aims to iden­tify suit­able adhe­­sive-free joining tech­nolo­gies for different appli­ca­tions in ship­building and to develop, eval­uate and adapt processes and methods to the specifics of ship­building. The contri­bu­tion of ar engi­neers to this research project is, among other things, the struc­tural eval­u­a­tion of novel joining concepts for steel-GFRP hybrids, the devel­op­ment of design and calcu­la­tion methods for the hybrid connector FAUSST as well as the opti­mi­sa­tion of the joining tech­nology from a struc­tural point of view in order to improve the mechan­ical perfor­mance in the context of a global assembly.

    The following compe­tences of ar engi­neers will be used and further devel­oped in this research project:

    • Use of simu­la­tion tools in complex projects
    • Adap­ta­tion of the Ansys simu­la­tion envi­ron­ment to special boundary condi­tions
    • Deep under­standing of the use of composite mate­rials
    • Many years of expe­ri­ence in the ship­building appli­ca­tion of composite compo­nents

    At ar engi­neers, we can make a signif­i­cant contri­bu­tion to the success of this research project, as we have exten­sive expe­ri­ence in the appli­ca­tion of light­weight design in ship­building. We are expe­ri­enced and skilled in the use of the high-end simu­la­tion tool Ansys so that we can also account for unusual boundary condi­tions in the best possible way.

→ Claas‘ favorite project

  • e2mut-foiling-fähre

    Claas Schröder

    Devel­op­ment & Calcu­la­tion Engi­neer

    I like being part of finding solu­tions for sustain­able mobility concepts.

    The partic­i­pa­tion of ar engi­neers in the research project E2MUT (emis­­sion-free elec­tri­fied maritime urban trans­port) enables us young engi­neers to conduct research in the field of climate-neutral mobility concepts and to become part of finding solu­tions so that we will not have to do without this mobility, which is so impor­tant for all of us, and the freedom and autonomy it brings in the future.

Would you like to achieve your goals more easily with us?

You are welcome to discuss your challenges in lightweight design with us without obligation. Make an appointment today. We look forward to talking with you.

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