About us

A passion for lightweight engineering

Our team is a kind of "lightweight engineering task force" consisting of specialists from a wide range of disciplines who complement each other perfectly. What drives us are the challenges of lightweight engineering, which we solve in the best possible way for the benefit of our customers.

Axel Reinsch,
Founder and CEO ar engi­neers

Dear visi­tors,

Even during my appren­tice­ship as a ship­builder, I was most fasci­nated by being part of projects in which light­weight compo­nents made of fibre compos­ites were used.

Above all, the combi­na­tion of state-of-the-art engi­neering and the imple­men­ta­tion of exciting light­weight and simu­la­tion projects with my team at ar engi­neers gives me fresh moti­va­tion every day. We have been able to find inno­v­a­tive solu­tions together with our customers over the past 12 years and thus meet the chal­lenges of light­weight engi­neering.

Indus­tries are constantly changing and espe­cially in current times, solu­tions are required that meet sustain­ability require­ments while mini­mizing tech­nical constraints. With ar engi­neers, I see our task as meeting this constant change with new ideas and contin­u­ously growing to meet the chal­lenges.

I hope you enjoy browsing our website. If you have any ques­tions or comments, I look forward to hearing from you.

Making it lighter – for over 12 years.

For more than 12 years, we have been using our steadily growing know-how to ensure that light­weight struc­tures can be manu­fac­tured with lower costs and mate­rial usage and also have a longer service life or achieve maximum stiff­ness with the lowest possible weight. We make it possible for you to greatly shorten compo­nent devel­op­ment cycles and ensure the long-term product quality of complex composite compo­nents and assem­blies.

The mile­stones of the ar engi­neers story


F1 racing
high-end racing yachts
aircraft manu­fac­turing (Airbus)

Discovery of passion for light­weight design by Axel Reinsch

After an appren­tice­ship to a composite ship­builder and studying to become an aero­nau­tical engi­neer, two years’ expe­ri­ence in composite struc­ture simu­la­tion with a focus on full-scale testing, simu­la­tion and adjust­ment of the test results. This was followed by various expe­ri­ences abroad in racing, F1 and Amer­icas Cup for two years, with the focus on simu­la­tion and compo­nent devel­op­ment including manu­fac­turing. After 5 years of profes­sional expe­ri­ence, Axel Reinsch founded his own company in July 2010 to realize his dream of building up a light­weight task force”.

struc­tural simu­la­tion and compo­nent devel­op­ment, fila­ment winding, fibre composite manu­fac­turing.


New indus­tries:

Foun­da­tion of ar engi­neers by Axel Reinsch

Hiring of the first full-time engi­neers as well as some students.

Ansys was chosen as the simu­la­tion tool and Solid­works as the CAD tool.

New compe­ten­cies:
first automa­tions of composite design calcu­la­tions with Ansys ACP and Python.


New indus­tries:
Civil engi­neering
off-shore plat­forms
wind energy

Foun­da­tion of ar engi­neers GmbH

In order to be able to offer customers better simu­la­tions, HPC licenses (High Perfor­mance Computing) were obtained, in order to be able to calcu­late in parallel on many CPU cores and thus increase result quality through higher quality FE models. Thanks to this exper­tise, various new projects imple­menting fibre composite calcu­la­tion and opti­miza­tion, including with OptiS­lang, were won.

New fields of compe­tence:
Simu­la­tion of large models, numer­ical opti­mi­sa­tion


New industry:
roller­coaster engi­neering

New field of activity, roller­coaster construc­tion

New customer gained in the area of amuse­ment rides – design , calcu­la­tion and mould design of composite compo­nents of a children’s roller­coaster for the Amer­ican market. New chal­lenges concerning the disci­pline of simu­la­tion, automa­tion of calcu­la­tions and docu­men­ta­tion are neces­sary, calcu­la­tion of more than 130 load cases for three different assem­blies with different mate­rials and connec­tion types. Successful presen­ta­tion of the results by us – together with our customer – to their end customer in the USA.

New fields of compe­tence:
Automa­tion of calcu­la­tions and docu­men­ta­tion, produc­tion plan­ning


Move to new premises

Move into the new office premises at Kühne­höfe” in Hamburg, also an impor­tant basis for providing the appro­priate space for growing personnel numbers with more experts in the disci­plines light­weight engi­neering, simu­la­tion and compos­ites.


Start of calcbond devel­op­ment

Based on the masters thesis of an employee, for which he devel­oped an internal tool to calcu­late bonded joints faster, more precisely and more econom­i­cally, the devel­op­ment of a web-based plat­form was started in-house. This enables customers to calcu­late bonded joints even without adhe­sive bonding know-how.

New fields of compe­tence:
Adhe­sive bonding tech­nology, soft­ware devel­op­ment

Partic­i­pa­tion in funded research projects

Hy-FiVE – Hybrid joining tech­nology for joints in maritime appli­ca­tions”, a publicly funded R&D project with 7 other collab­o­ra­tive part­ners.

Content: Model­ling & simu­la­tion of novel joining tech­nolo­gies for hybrid steel-composite struc­tures.

FAnTe­Stick: Fatigue analysis and test proce­dures for the design of bonded joints”, as the first inde­pen­dent research project of ar engi­neers GmbH in coop­er­a­tion with Leibniz-Institut für Verbundw­erk­stoffe GmbH, content: fatigue strength of struc­tural bonded joints

New fields of compe­tence:
Hybrid joining tech­nolo­gies, bonded joints under fatigue load and produc­tion moni­toring of rotor blades


Launch of the calcbond plat­form

calcbond is a unique, web-based calcu­la­tion tool for simu­lating a wide range of adhe­sive bonds. Major adhe­sive manu­fac­turers such as Sika, Huntsman and Kisling are repre­sented with prod­ucts and their perfor­mance data. The public beta version of calcbond is being tested by the first external users. Based on plenty of user feed­back, calcbond is being inten­sively devel­oped for indus­trial appli­ca­tions. The soft­ware has been offi­cially released since 13 June, 2022.

New field of compe­tence:
Devel­op­ment of web-based soft­ware to market matu­rity

Further research project won

E2MUT - Emis­sion-free elec­tri­fied maritime urban trans­port”.

Start of another research project as a joint project in the maritime envi­ron­ment. Research into adap­tive CFRP hydro-foils for extended reduc­tion of ship drag and research into instru­men­ta­tion for long-term opti­miza­tion (durability/​weight).

New fields of compe­tence:
Fluid mechanics and sensor tech­nology


Use of the simu­la­tion soft­ware LS- DYNA

With this world­wide leading simu­la­tion soft­ware for explicit FEA, exten­sive dynamic processes can be mapped for our customers. This shortens devel­op­ment cycles, espe­cially in the auto­mo­tive sector, and reduces the amount of mate­rial used for compo­nents. This strengthens our range of services, partic­u­larly in the areas of crash and impact analysis.

New areas of exper­tise:
Crash simu­la­tion for auto­mo­tive industry, simu­la­tion of dynamic processes


Launch of the new website: ar-engineers.com

The growth of ar engi­neers GmbH and the asso­ci­ated expan­sion in our areas of exper­tise was only inad­e­quately commu­ni­cated by the existing website. There­fore, the commu­ni­ca­tions strategy for the ar engi­neers brand was updated and imple­mented in, among other projects, a completely redesigned website.

Making the world a little lighter

With this goal in mind, the team at ar engi­neers GmbH works in a young and dynamic envi­ron­ment to realise the real­i­sa­tion of inno­v­a­tive light­weight engi­neering projects. The focus is on the design and simu­la­tion as well as the calcu­la­tion automa­tion of light­weight struc­tures in the fields of aero­space, ship­building, mechan­ical engi­neering, auto­mo­tive and wind energy. In addi­tion, we set new stan­dards in digital engi­neering by devel­oping inno­v­a­tive soft­ware prod­ucts.

To strengthen our team we are looking for a…

Compos­ites Engi­neer (m/​f/​d)

Your tasks:

  • Collab­o­ra­tion in indus­trial & research projects
  • Devel­op­ment & design of light­weight struc­tures (metal & fibre composite)
  • CAD design of struc­tural compo­nents, assem­blies and moulding tools
  • Prepa­ra­tion of 3D and 2D manu­fac­turing docu­ments for series and proto­type produc­tion
  • Close coop­er­a­tion with the calcu­la­tion depart­ment to solve tech­nical issues
  • Project manage­ment & customer commu­ni­ca­tion
  • Process opti­mi­sa­tion in the area of CAD design & model manage­ment

Your profile:

  • Completed univer­sity degree in mechan­ical engi­neering, ship­building, auto­mo­tive engi­neering, aero­space engi­neering or compa­rable voca­tional training
  • 2-4 years of profes­sional expe­ri­ence and academic/​training focus on design /​struc­tural analysis /​fibre compos­ites or compa­rable
  • Confi­dent handling of rele­vant CAE tools such as Siemens NX or Solid­works as well as Ansys Mechan­ical
  • Expe­ri­ence in the plan­ning & design of moulds for fibre composite produc­tion
  • Expe­ri­ence in the strength veri­fi­ca­tion of light­weight struc­tures required
  • Prac­tical expe­ri­ence in the processing of fibre composite mate­rials is an advan­tage
  • Confi­dent handling of MS Office tools and good (tech­nical) English skills
  • Analyt­ical and concep­tual skills as well as creativity in finding solu­tions
  • High degree of inde­pen­dent and team-oriented work

We offer: 

  • A team of highly moti­vated engi­neers who are passionate about giving their all to take engi­neering in light­weight design to the next level.
  • Early assign­ment of areas of respon­si­bility and creative freedom in your own areas of respon­si­bility
  • Flex­ible working hours & remote work option
  • Attrac­tive, compet­i­tive compen­sa­tion
  • Regular team events to promote a posi­tive atmos­phere in the work­place

Start: from 2nd September 2024

Are you inter­ested? Then send us your appli­ca­tion docu­ments via email to bewerber@ar-engineers.de!