Reference project in the

Development of structural assemblies for premium off-road vehicle

Simulation and optimisation of highly stressed lightweight components

It is crucial in serial produc­tion to achieve the best balance between optimal struc­tural results and economic manu­fac­tura­bility. We achieved this goal.

The task

A German auto­mo­tive supplier for carbon compo­nents in the premium sector commis­sioned us to support them in the devel­op­ment of load-bearing fibre composite compo­nents in several areas of a newly devel­oped vehicle. The client’s compe­ten­cies lie primarily in the construc­tive devel­op­ment of the assem­blies as well as produc­tion engi­neering. This is why our customer has been working with us for over 10 years to benefit from our exten­sive exper­tise in the areas of simu­la­tion and opti­mi­sa­tion of highly stressed light­weight compo­nents.

The chal­lenges and solu­tions in detail

Our customer has their own clients who define require­ments that must be met by us in the devel­op­ment of the design. These boundary condi­tions are usually no longer nego­tiable. There­fore, on the one hand, it is also part of our job to protect our customers from not being able to meet the defined condi­tions when supplying to their clients. On the other hand, we are respon­sible for enabling an optimal compo­nent design. too compli­cated produc­tion processes or too high mate­rial usage would result in exces­sive produc­tion costs, it is essen­tial to achieve the best balance between optimal struc­tural-mechan­ical result and economic manu­fac­tura­bility for serial produc­tion.

Our know-how

The following compe­tences at ar engi­neers led to success in this project:

  • Strong exper­tise in the imple­men­ta­tion of complex simu­la­tions and opti­mi­sa­tion of assem­blies for auto­mo­tive serial produc­tion.
  • Very good under­standing of ultra-light­weight design with CFRP /​carbon compos­ites.
  • Eye on feasi­bility of the compo­nent despite complex mate­rial compo­si­tion.
  • Exper­tise in numer­ical opti­mi­sa­tion with Ansys.
  • Auto­mated result eval­u­a­tion in order to be able to respond quickly to changing require­ments from the require­ments of the customer.
  • Our direct consul­ta­tions with the customer and their client enabled the project to run smoothly.

Our way

We reduced problem complexity to a healthy” level, espe­cially with regard to numer­ical opti­mi­sa­tion tasks, so as not to lose sight of the calcu­la­tion goals. In addi­tion, there are some opti­mi­sa­tion goals that cannot always be clearly defined in the context of simu­la­tion. Here, we use iter­a­tive processes to ensure the best possible achieve­ment of objec­tives. Good manu­fac­tura­bility or simple imple­men­ta­tion cannot be directly derived as a single value from an opti­mi­sa­tion, but arise from the deriva­tions of the calcu­la­tion and assess­ments of our expe­ri­enced engi­neers and the close coop­er­a­tion with our customers.

Would you like to achieve your goals more easily with us?

You are welcome to discuss your challenges in lightweight design with us without obligation. Make an appointment today. We look forward to talking with you.

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