Webinar | August 21th, 2024 | 16:00 CET

calc­bond Analy­tical Design Explorer – Boos­ting Your Adhe­sive Joint Design!

We’re thrilled to see you in our fifth live webinar about calcbond’s Analy­tical Design Explorer! Learn how to solve joint design problems with the help of the powerful analy­tical joint design tools inside calc­bond.

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What to Expect

Our in-depth webinar will cover calcbond’s Analy­tical Design Explorer, inclu­ding:

  • Short intro­duc­tion into the calc­bond plat­form
  • Most important aspects in adhe­sive joint design & calcu­la­tion
  • calcbond’s Analy­tical Toolbox and Design Explorer

In the 30-minute session, you’ll learn to:

  • Simplify real life bonded joints and verify your joint design setup with analy­tical calcu­la­tions
  • Under­stand the most influ­en­tial design para­me­ters in single lap joints
  • Inter­pret calcu­la­tion results and derive design decis­ions
  • Boost your decision making for adhe­sive bonding appli­ca­tions

Tail­ored for struc­tural engi­neers, calc­bond users, mecha­nical engi­nee­ring students, and profes­sio­nals inte­rested in light­weight engi­nee­ring, this webinar is a must for those stri­ving for effi­ci­ency and precision in struc­tural analysis with adhe­sives.

Spots are filling up fast, and you won’t want to miss this oppor­tu­nity to be at the fore­front of struc­tural engi­nee­ring inno­va­tion.

Meet the Experts

The session will be led by Axel Reinsch (CEO of ar-engi­neers) and Fabian Nowacki (Head of Engi­nee­ring), industry experts with deep exper­tise in struc­tural analysis.

»calc­bond is my trusted compa­nion as a Euro­pean Adhe­sive Engi­neer, specia­li­zing in bonded struc­tures on ships. Its seam­less func­tion­a­lity stream­lines my calcu­la­tions, ensu­ring the robust­ness of these essen­tial compon­ents. With calc­bond, I confi­dently provide accu­rate results, crucial for our mari­time projects‘ success.«

Andreas Brehme, ABEKINGRASMUSSEN Schiffs- und Yacht­werft SE
Dipl.-Ing. | Naval Archi­tect | EAE