Webinar | January 25th, 2024 | 16:00 CET

AutoFEA – Acce­le­ra­ting Struc­tural Bonding Analysis by 80%

Explore AutoFEA – the module for auto­mated compu­ta­tion of stan­dar­dized adhe­sive bonds, cutting adhe­sive joint design time and costs by up to 80%.

Re-watch this exclu­sive webinar held on January 25th about calcbond’s AutoFEA feature! This module enables effi­ci­ently perform in-depth bonded joint analysis using the finite element method. Receive analysis results within minutes, boos­ting your decision-making and design evalua­tion without the need for in-house CAE resources.

calc­bond Live Webinar #1 - AutoFEA