Lastest news


ar engi­neers at the 1. ISGATEC Engi­neering Summit

On 12 November 2024 the first ISGATEC Engi­neering Summit will take place in Heidel­berg. Our colleague Fabian Nowacki will present the latest devel­op­ments in the calcu­la­tion of bonded joints with calcbond at this event - register now!


ar engi­neers at SMM 2024

The leading inter­na­tional trade fair for the maritime industry will take place in Hamburg from 3 to 6 September - a home game for ar engi­neers GmbH! Write us at to schedule a meeting at SMM.


Inno­Trans 2024

The Inno­Trans inter­na­tional trade fair for trans­port tech­nology will take place in Berlin from 24 to 27 September 2024 - and ar engi­neers will be there! Contact us for a meeting at


22nd Bremer Kleb­tage 2024

The 22nd edition of the Bremer Kleb­tage took place on 19 and 20 June 2024 at the ATLANTIC Hotel Universum in Bremen.We are delighted that we were able to present ar engi­neers and calcbond at this event.

Customer quotes – the/​their goals reached more easily.

»With the increasing focus on sustain­ability, light­weight solu­tions are also becoming increas­ingly impor­tant in ship and boat building. ar engi­neers supports us in meeting these require­ments and maximising the poten­tial of our prod­ucts to be designed in a light­weight way. This strengthens our market posi­tion and makes our prod­ucts lighter, safer and more envi­ron­men­tally friendly.«

Jan Henkel, Fr. Fassmer GmbH & Co. KG
Managing Director Fassmer Maritime

»Thanks to the special exper­tise in simu­la­tion of ar engi­neers, we can expand our range of services as needed and thus create added value for our customers. This approach allows us to focus on our core compe­ten­cies in the devel­op­ment and produc­tion of composite compo­nents.«

Micha von Monkiewitsch, Connova AG
Chief Exec­u­tive Officer

»ar engi­neers did a great job in moni­toring the produc­tion of some of the world’s largest offshore rotor blades. Their exper­tise in compos­ites – the crucial specialist area in rotor blade produc­tion – contributed signif­i­cantly to quality control and thus to the overall success of the project.«

Carl Rasmus Richardsen, Deutsche Windtechnik Offshore & Consulting GmbH
Chief Exec­u­tive Officer

»ar engi­neers has proven itself to be our reli­able partner for many years, helping to ensure that our composite mate­rials are used in the right config­u­ra­tion and at the right place in compo­nents in many projects. With the knowl­edge of ar engi­neers, the impor­tant bridge between the mate­rial manu­fac­turer and compo­nent manu­fac­turer is thus built!«

Jan Hindahl, Saertex GmbH & Co. KG
Team Lead Appli­ca­tion Engi­neering and R&D

»Thinking about light­weight engi­neering holis­ti­cally! The real­iza­tion of large struc­tures made from fibre-rein­forced plastic compos­ites, such as wind turbine rotor blades and ship super­struc­tures, repre­sents a complex task. Through applied research in collab­o­ra­tion with our long-standing partner ar engi­neers, we can develop inno­v­a­tive and holistic solu­tions and help put the results into prac­tice.«

Dr. Stefan Schmidt, Fraun­hofer IGP
Team Leader Fibre-rein­forced Plas­tics

»Sika is one of the market-leading suppliers of adhe­sive, damping, stiff­ening and rein­force­ment solu­tions and is there­fore an impor­tant partner in indus­tries such as auto­mo­tive, trans­porta­tion, marine or building compo­nents. ar engi­neers GmbH, with its exten­sive exper­tise in struc­tural light­weight design and the imple­men­ta­tion of bonded struc­tures, is an ideal partner that provides us with the best possible support in the real­iza­tion of inno­v­a­tive projects in the above-mentioned indus­tries.«

David Tobler, Sika Services AG
Corpo­rate Head Trans­porta­tion

From our blog

Read here about inter­esting topics related to light­weight engi­neering


FAnTe­Stick - Enhanced life­time predic­tion of bonded joints through simu­la­tion

In this blog post, read about the FAnTe­Stick research project and how we are using modern test methods and simu­la­tion approaches to improve the service life predic­tion of bonded joints.

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Foiling tech­nology in E2MUT - Resis­tance saving of ships through light­weight design concepts

Read about the research project E2MUT and our latest find­ings in this blog post to be able to offer solu­tions for foiling ferries made in Germany” in the future.

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Higher crash safety of compos­ites through simu­la­tion with LS-DYNA

The optimal design of a vehicle body in terms of crash perfor­mance ensures that occu­pants and pedes­trians are maxi­mally protected in traffic acci­dents. In this blog article, we give you an insight into the dynamic simu­la­tion of fibre composite compo­nents during crash and how this contributes to the devel­op­ment of lighter and safer vehicle compo­nents.

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What makes us stand out?

1. What makes us stand out?

Many years of exper­tise in light­weight engi­neering. We have been in the market for over 10 years and from day 1 we have focused on the devel­op­ment of light­weight struc­tures, which is still the core of our service port­folio today. The ar engi­neers team combines expe­ri­ence and compe­ten­cies from various fields such as composite boat building, vehicle & aircraft engi­neering, mechan­ical engi­neering and wind energy.

2. State-of-the-art tools and methods

An impor­tant pillar of our engi­neering approach is the use of state-of-the-art soft­ware as well as design and calcu­la­tion methods. Our adept handling of the predom­i­nant simu­la­tion tools Ansys Mechan­ical & LS-DYNA, Altair Hyper­mesh & OptiStruct, as well as MSC.Patran & Nastran, enables us to master any light­weight engi­neering chal­lenge with maximum soft­ware power. Our strong focus on automa­tion & soft­ware devel­op­ment also enables us to find the best and fastest possible solu­tion for each project.

3. Fast and flex­ible team

Product devel­op­ment in light­weight engi­neering often takes place under dead­line pres­sure. We at ar engi­neers support our customers in achieving short devel­op­ment cycles and fast deci­sion-making processes in this context. There­fore, we always work in close and regular contact with our customers in order to react to changes as quickly as possible and to always stay on the right path to the optimal solu­tion.

From plan­ning to imple­men­ta­tion, this is how we work for you:

Our way of working – for inno­v­a­tive light­weight solu­tions.

Thanks to our compre­hen­sive exper­tise in light­weight engi­neering, we can offer you a flex­ible, holistic service along the entire value chain. This starts with well thought-out concepts that use high-end engi­neering solu­tions, comple­mented by improved produc­tion plan­ning to ensure that budgets, sched­ules and quality stan­dards are met.

Light­weight design also always means targeted opti­miza­tion of the compo­nent. To achieve this, we use a wide range of compe­ten­cies and tools that cover a broad spec­trum of appli­ca­tion areas in order to achieve the maximum exploita­tion of light­weight design poten­tial in accor­dance with your frame­work condi­tions.

Without exten­sive simu­la­tions, the economic devel­op­ment of light­weight compo­nents is barely possible. In addi­tion to our many years of exper­tise in simu­la­tion, we offer you the latest methods and tools estab­lished on the market as part of our wide range of services, which we can develop further if neces­sary depending on your task.

Save resources more easily with us.

As an inno­va­tion leader in the field of compos­ites engi­neering, we offer our customers the best possible tech­nical solu­tion with our exper­tise, so that you can achieve your goals with the lowest possible consump­tion of resources. Our solu­tions are so inno­v­a­tive and effi­cient that they can make a tangible contri­bu­tion to using resources more spar­ingly and thus doing some­thing to combat climate change. Since this topic is close to our hearts, our website has been designed and imple­mented with sustain­able criteria in mind and is also hosted in a CO2-neutral manner. Details about our CO2 consump­tion can be found in the footer.

Soft­ware tool for the calcu­la­tion of bonded joints

calcbond: Save up to 80% on time and costs for adhe­sive bonded design

calcbond is a unique, web-based calcu­la­tion tool that can be used to calcu­late a wide variety of adhe­sive bonds. Major adhe­sive manu­fac­turers such as Sika, Huntsman and Kisling are repre­sented with their prod­ucts and their perfor­mance data. This tool can be used even without adhe­sive exper­tise. Simply enter the design para­me­ters and off you go.

Customers and part­ners

Would you like to achieve your goals more easily with us?

You are welcome to discuss your challenges in lightweight design with us without obligation. Make an appointment today. We look forward to talking with you.

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